“The FLA programme is unique in many facets and elements. I enjoy the fact that it is Afrocentric and relevant for our African context where the dynamics and uncertainties are constant for leadership. The challenge of integrating lateral leadership skills with real vertical leadership development of the leaders personal self, is well achieved in the program design. Furthermore the online experience makes the FLA Journey very practical, flexible and relevant for modern day lifestyles.” Henk Kleizen, Managing Director, Leadership Consortium

“I never realised how life changing my future leadership journey was going to be.  Having been through numerous programmes and courses in my career, I expected it to be a confirmation of what I already know. I was completely wrong.  The programme lead to deep introspection, rediscovering myself, getting to better understand and accept myself, as well as being aware of the effect I have on other people. Most importantly accepting the responsibility to manage myself in the world of work and at home. Right through the programme, because it is based on the inside-out principle, it makes you positive about your growth areas and challenges. The programme is extremely well-structured, well thought through and easy to follow.  The contents life changing.  It helps you to realise your development areas without feelings of guilt and a sense of “I am not good enough” – Hannes van Wyk, Managing Director, Toll Infrastructure Services

‘Its not often that you find a leadership program as concise and insightful as the Future Leaders Online Journey.  This journey is not about the theory of leadership or best practice its about finding and being true to your authentic self and leadership style.  It resonates with everything that is real and meaningful and inevitably guides you to reflect  on your own humanity and your expression thereof when interacting with others.   I remain on the journey,  remain conscious of walking the talk and feel deeply fulfilled being 100% Human@Work.’  Michelle Pirie, Group Chief HR Officer,  Econet

‘Dr Gerhard, you coached me to see everything in a different way, for which I am truly grateful. Your sessions not only helped me to become a better person, but also to become a better worker. Your online programme is one of the reasons that I carried on, reading them and or listening to them more than once, made me realise that there is more to life than just who you are at the current moment.’ –Carlos de Oliveira, VME

‘It has been quite an enriching experience, both from a professional and personal perspective.  What I really appreciated is your approach, and your educational online program to learn and reflect in a structured way.  This online tool of core leadership principles made it easy and simple to use according to my busy schedule.  The coaching process enabled me specifically to anticipate to most appropriate leadership behaviors to get the best results and involvement from my teams, but most importantly allowed me to look in the mirror and have clarity as to what areas and key principles needed to be worked on.’ Francois Nel, General Manager : Operations & Supply Chain, Saint Gobain

‘To date, every module I worked through was valuable, enabling, to-the-point, constructive, and of high quality. It provided me with tremendous insight into myself, and assisted in keeping me focused during difficult and challenging times.’ -Jacques Siebert, UBank

‘The online leadership programme is a brilliant tool. It is functional and practical and the depth of thought behind it is evident. It allows me to manage my own learning and growth at my own pace, which in a busy schedule is a great way to catch up on thoughts in quiet reflection in my own down time.’ -Dr Heydon Hall, Regent Insurance

‘I have found the online support to be an excellent tool for personal development. What I specifically like is the practical assignment questions that follow on the theory to allow for The material of the program will help you to grow as a person and as a leader. Your journey with this program is your opportunity to teach yourself new, more effective ways of interacting with the world. In computer language, it is an opportunity to tune your operating system at different levels to be more effective, get rid of what is dysfunctional and helping you to lead yourself, lead change and lead others. Who will benefit? Anyone who wants to be more effective, more influential and face change with confidence. self-insight and application. The coaching aspect is definitely an added plus as it motivates the learner to continue with the process.’ –Sharon Lefkowitz, Sharon Lefkowitz & Associates

‘I found the suite of self-paced programs to be quite comprehensive, well-structured and practical’ -Addis O’Sullivan, Telstra